Monday, December 14, 2009

Tournament Sign Up



Men Doubles Challenge Tournament:Need to have a partner, or email me for partner lists.($10 entry)+ entrance-non member

Chris Cheng & Brian Cheng
Edward Lopez & Alex Hoang
Tom & Shridhar
Faiez Mazlan & Wattana Laoharoj
Frank Lee & Alfredo
Andy(Monkey) & Ron A
Taeko & Yukari
Khoa & Kinh T.
Titan & Ran
Mona & Larry Riwu
David & Hendry R.
Jonathan Yu & Wally Chang

#1 place: Mona S. & Larry Riwu
#2 place: David & Hendry R.
Cons: Edward Lopez & Alex Hoang

Men Survival Men Doubles Tournament:Random Pick partner, so don't need partner ( $5.00 to entry )+ entrance-non member

Edward Lopez
Randy Wong
Frank Lee
Rudy Paramana
Hendry R.
David R.
Yuan W.
#1 place: Edward Lopez & Hendry R.
#2 place: David R. & Ron.A

Women Survival Women Doubles Tournament:This tournament 1PM. ($5.00 entry)+ Entrance(non-member)

Leslie & Amy
Michelle & Wendy
Connie Z. & Jenny Z.
Krystle & Kim Dinh
Karen & Alina
#1 place: Krystle. G & Kim Dinh
#2 place: Connie Z. & Jenny Z.

Men Doubles Dec.20.2009 Challenge Rule

SuperBird Men Doubles Challenge Rule for Dec.20.2009 Time:1PM @ABC

Only 1 Singles game match Elimination: $10 Entry Fee + Entrance(non-member)
Players need to have a partner:Partner will be of your Choice.(No-level regulation for this one.Have fun, and take the Challenge!!!!)If you need a partner, please I will give you a list to pick from.

-A match consists of best of 3 games.
-The side that first scored 21 points shall win.
-The side winning a rally shall add 1 point to its score.
-If a score becomes 20-20, the side which scores 2 consecutive points shall win that game.
-If the score becomes 29-29, the side that scores the 30th point shall win that game.
-The side winning a game serves first in the next game.
-When one side reaches 11 points, both players get a 60 second break.
-Both sides get a 2-minute break between first and second games, and another 2-minute break between second and third game.
-Other rules shall remain the same.
1 Consolation round to 15pt ONLY: 1 Team to reach 15pts WIN.
#1 Place: Money & Medals
#2 Place: Money & Medals

SuperBird Survival Men Doubles Rule for Dec 20.2009: $5.00 Entry + Entrance(non-member): TIME:1PM @ABC
-Experience Players will Random Pick Names of weaker players from Boxes.

-A match consists of 1 games to 25pts
-The side that first scored 25 points shall win.
-When one side reaches 12 points, switch side & 2 minute water break.

-There will be first consolation to 15pts.
#1 Place:Money & Medals
#2 Place: Prize Only
SuperBird Survival Women Doubles Rule Dec 20.2009: $5.00 Entry + Entrance (non-member): TIME IS PENDING ON THIS ONE.

-Experience Players will Random Pick Names of weaker players from Boxes.

-A match consists of 1 games to 25pts
-The side that first scored 25 points shall win.
-When one side reaches 12 points, switch side & 2 minute water break.

-There will be first consolation to 15pts.
#1 Place:Money & Medals
#2 Place: Prize Only
Any questions or comment please post here:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bally Total Fitness

1. Doing some Pilates today at Rosemead Bally Fitness
2. Lifting some weight

>>Need to increase body weight & Muscle Mass.
--Too much weight loss & muscle loss playing badminton: Need to reduce hrs of playing badminton.

Preparing for upcoming SuperBird Survival Men Doubles on Dec.20.2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How to Prepare for Upcoming Tournament

Dec.6.2009 Birdie Event Competition @11AM @ABC (Let's gO SuperBird TEAM.)

1) Avoid injury: Don't play so hard
2) Do light weight & swimming@ Bally Fitness:Monday-Wednesday-Friday:Saturday-off day before Tournament Sunday
3)Today--Did a light work-out @ABC:Play 2 light games with weaker players for training placement shot & back hand clear.
4)Thursday: Will do some Pilates @ Bally: Great aerobic exercise to improve Cardio & foot work.....
5)Friday: Hit ABC and do 2hrs light games.
6)Sat:off day---> :)

Note: If you sweat a lots: Don't drink water ONLY-->drink Gatorade to replace electrolytes loss:especially Sodium & K+--That the reason why you get cramp & extra tired if you being playing too long w/out proper DRINK!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Men Doubles Dec 20.2009 Questions & Request here...

SuperBird Survival Men Doubles: Dec 20,2009 @ABC at 1pm.

Please fill out the Survey before Dec 10, 2009: So I can see what people Want.
Please write your name by using Comments: So I can have an idea how many of us are playing. Thanks. I will update after, Birdie Events competition: Good Luck to all SuperBird players. If you have a partner, please write full name for You & your partner.

So far:
Frank Lee
Rudy Paramana
Eddie Lopez
Vincent Chau
Lu Do
Vinson Chiu
Kevin Tjhan:cannot make it
Brian Cheng & Chris Cheng

If you don't have a partner: you can request or contact people on the lists.
Picking your own partner is still pending on Survey!!!!!!!

Sunday: Team Confirmation

Testing strength: Vinson & Do-->so far they played well together. Vinson almost killed my ankle with his crazy deception moved. Vinson is the ankle breaker........I need to learn that from him. Note to myself: playing with someone like Vinson, don't move till he hit the shuttlecock: Learning curve: delay 1sec can be very effective move. I need to put this delay in my game + a super accelerating move with that will be a killer surprised.

So Far:

December 6,2009. Superbird Team Setup:

1) Eddie & Rudy
2) Vincent & Tuck
3) Brian & Chris
4) Vinson & LU
5) Kevin & Klaus

Note: Every team is very Competitive, so Keep your head up & be mentally strong. Good luck to all my SuperBird Stars....Let's Do this.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Day 11.27.09

Today is not a good fitness day for me. I stay up late working on my website & surfing the webs the night before. I woke up late this morning around 11AM.....wondering how I am going to start my day. Oh yeah...remember it Turkey Day--->& Badminton closed early around 3pm @ABC--this thought just cross my mind. So me & my lady took a drive to San Gabriel 99Hawaii market to get my morning's 12PM-that's my morning.LOL. I don't understand for some reason, we end up getting prim Ribs & others asian stuff to prepare for Turkey night. How ironic? but, it turn out good--I ate too much. After eating, to my surprised, my GF's mom asked me to go on the roof to the sweep the leaf so she can used it for her fruit trees. In my mind, it's supposed to be my day off for not doing any work...oh yeah....I forgot: I don't work!!!!! Anyways I put on my short & grabbed the brooms & climb the roof w/ a smile I try to hold on my FACE!!!! Well, at least I got a little workout today. My back was aching for too much bending and picking the leaves....Hopefully it will be better for Friday.Oh yeah...i need to get back to my real GOAL--->'s 1:45AM more internet!!!!! Tomorrow will be Friday-->Extreme Badminton night for me: I will hit ABC around be continue.